
24 NP643IEEE 802.11g PC Card Adapter
YML786 Rev1
Shared Key: Shared Key authentication supports authentication of
stations as either a member of those who knows a shared secret
key or a member of those who does not.
Backbone: The core infrastructure of a network, which transports information
from one central location to another where the information is
unloaded into a local system.
Bandwidth: The transmission capacity of a device, which is calculated by
how much data the device can transmit in a fixed amount of time
expressed in bits per second (bps).
Beacon: A beacon is a packet broadcast by the Access Point to keep the
network synchronized. Included in a beacon are information such
as wireless LAN service area, the AP address, the Broadcast
destination addresses, time stamp, Delivery Traffic Indicator Maps,
and the Traffic Indicator Message (TIM).
Bit: A binary digit, which is either -0 or -1 for value, is the smallest unit
for data.
Bridge: An internetworking function that incorporates the lowest 2 layers of
the OSI network protocol model.
Browser: An application program that enables one to read the content and
interact in the World Wide Web or Intranet.
BSS: BSS stands for “Basic Service Set”. It is an Access Point and all the
LAN PCs that associated with it.