iCN 700 series | How do I go from A to B?
b) Use the Keyboard screen to search for the house number of your destination.
The Waypoint Preview screen will display.
c) Tap Add.
The destination is automatically saved and the Multi-Stop-Trip Planner screen will display.
d) Complete one or more of the following:
If you want to ... Then ...
add another waypoint
Waypoints added after a multi-stop trip has
commenced will not be included in the
current route.
tap Add.
The Destination Search screen will display.
Return to step 3.
calculate the route
tap Go.
The Multi Stop Trip Preview screen will display.
Tap Go.
The Map screen will display the calculated route.
change the order of your waypoints
tap a destination point to move.
The Waypoint Preview screen will display.
Tap Move up or Move down.
The Multi-stop Trip Planner screen will display.
display the geographical details of a waypoint
tap a destination point.
The Waypoint Preview screen will display.
Tap Details.
The Waypoint Details screen will display.
delete all waypoints tap Clear.
delete one waypoint
tap a destination point to delete.
The Waypoint Preview screen will display.
Tap Delete.
The Multi-stop Trip Planner screen will display.