iCN 700 series | How do I go from A to B?
How do I search for an address?
Select a destination using the Destination Search, Keyboard and Destination Preview screens, which used together
form an address-entry wizard.
This section describes how to use each of these screens and provides a case study to help guide you through setting
your destination.
Quick Steps
1. Open the Destination Search screen
2. Select the country
3. Search for the city/area
4. Search for the street
5. Search for the house number
6. Tap Go.
Case Study:
How do I search for an address?
This case study will show you how to set your destination by selecting your country, then area, then street, then
house number.
1. Open the Destination Search screen
The Destination Search screen will display.
If this is the first time you are setting your destination and you have maps from more than one country installed and
selected, then the Select Country screen will display instead of the Destination Search screen. Go directly to step 2b.
The next time you perform this procedure, the Destination Search screen will open as expected.