
© National Instruments Corporation G-11 NI 6238/6239 User Manual
kHz Kilohertz—A unit of frequency; 1 kHz = 10
= 1,000 Hz.
kS 1,000 samples.
LabVIEW A graphical programming language.
LED Light-Emitting Diode—A semiconductor light source.
lowpass filter A filter that passes signals below a cutoff frequency while blocking signals
above that frequency.
LSB Least Significant Bit.
m Meter.
M Series An architecture for instrumentation-class, multichannel data acquisition
devices based on the earlier E Series architecture with added new features.
measurement The quantitative determination of a physical characteristic. In practice,
measurement is the conversion of a physical quantity or observation to a
domain where a human being or computer can determine the value.
measurement device DAQ devices, such as the M Series multifunction I/O (MIO) devices, SCXI
signal conditioning modules, and switch modules.
MHz Megahertz—A unit of frequency; 1 MHz = 10
Hz = 1,000,000 Hz.
micro (μ) The numerical prefix designating 10
MIO Multifunction I/O—DAQ module. Designates a family of data acquisition
products that have multiple analog input channels, digital I/O channels,
timing, and optionally, analog output channels. An MIO product can be
considered a miniature mixed signal tester, due to its broad range of signal
types and flexibility. Also known as multifunction DAQ.