
© National Instruments Corporation G-9 NI 6238/6239 User Manual
ft Feet.
function 1. A built-in execution element, comparable to an operator, function, or
statement in a conventional language.
2. A set of software instructions executed by a single line of code that may
have input and/or output parameters and returns a value when executed.
glitch An unwanted signal excursion of short duration that is usually unavoidable.
GND See ground.
ground 1. A pin.
2. An electrically neutral wire that has the same potential as the
surrounding earth. Normally, a noncurrent-carrying circuit intended for
3. A common reference point for an electrical system.
hardware The physical components of a computer system, such as the circuit boards,
plug-in devices, chassis, enclosures, peripherals, and cables.
hardware triggering A form of triggering where you set the start time of an acquisition and
gather data at a known position in time relative to a trigger signal.
Hz 1. Hertz—The SI unit for measurement of frequency. One hertz (Hz)
equals one cycle per second.
2. The number of scans read or updates written per second.
I/O Input/Output—The transfer of data to/from a computer system involving
communications channels, operator interface devices, and/or data
acquisition and control interfaces.