NI 5102 User Manual G-18
switchless device devices that do not require dip switches or jumpers to configure resources
on the devices—also called Plug and Play devices
synchronous (1) hardware—a property of an event that is synchronized to a reference
clock (2) software—a property of a function that begins an operation and
returns only when the operation is complete
system noise ameasure of the amountof noise seen by an analogcircuit or an ADCwhen
the analog inputs are grounded
system RAM RAM installed on a personal computer and used by the operating system,
as contrasted with onboard RAM
T/H track-and-hold—a circuit that tracks an analog voltage and holds the value
on command
TC terminal count—the highest value of a counter
TDC time-to-digital converter
time constant a measure of a system’s response time
transfer rate the rate, measured in bytes/s, at which data is moved from source to
destination after softwareinitialization and setup operations; the maximum
rate at which the hardware can operate
TRIG a trigger channel
trigger any event that causes or starts some form of data capture
trigger hold-off a signal processing technique that lets you specify a time from the trigger
event to ignore additional triggers that fall within that time
TTL transistor-transistor logic