© National Instruments Corporation 39 NI 4070/4072 Calibration Procedure
11. Call niDMM_ConfigureMeasurement with the following
• Function =
• Range = 300e-12
• Resolution = 50e-15
12. Set the number of averages of the NI 4072 to 20 by calling
niDMM_SetAttributeViInt32 with the following parameters:
• Attribute_ID =
• Attribute_Value = 20
13. Call niDMM_Read. Verify that this measurement falls between the
tolerances listed in Table 22.
Note If you use capacitance verification values that differ from the values listed in
Table 10, verify that each measurement falls between the tolerances listed in Table 22.
The tolerances shown in Table 22 correspond to the NI 4072 accuracy specifications.
14. Remove the 270 pF verification capacitor, and plug the 1 nF
verification capacitor into the HI and LO banana plug connectors of the
NI 4072.
15. Call
niDMM_ConfigureMeasurement with the following
• Function =
• Range = 1e-9
• Resolution = 100e-15
16. Set the number of averages of the NI 4072 to 20 by calling
niDMM_SetAttributeViInt32 with the following parameters:
• Attribute_ID =
• Attribute_Value = 20
If you use capacitance verification values that differ from the values listed in
Table 10, verify that each measurement falls between the tolerances listed in Table 22.
The tolerances shown in Table 22 correspond to the NI 4072 accuracy specifications.
17. Call
niDMM_Read. Verify that this measurement falls between the
tolerances listed in Table 22.
18. Call
niDMM_ConfigureMeasurement with the following
• Function =
• Range = 10e-9
• Resolution = 1e-12