
NI 4070/4072 Calibration Procedure 36 ni.com
12. Call GPCTR_Change_Parameter with the following parameters:
deviceNumber = the device number of the NI 6608, assigned
by MAX
gpctrNum =
paramID = ND_COUNT_2
paramValue = 10e6
13. Call GPCTR_Control with the following parameters:
deviceNumber = the device number of the NI 6608, assigned
by MAX
gpctrNum =
action = ND_PROGRAM
14. Call niDMM_Read. Verify that this measurement falls between the
limits listed in Table 21.
15. Call
GPCTR_Control with the following parameters:
deviceNumber = the device number of the NI 6608, assigned
by MAX
gpctrNum =
action = ND_RESET
16. Repeat steps 10 through 15 with the following modification: in
steps 11 and 12, change paramValue to
500 when you call the
17. Repeat steps 10 through 15 with the following modification: in
steps 11 and 12, change paramValue to
20 when you call the function
You have completed verifying the frequency of the NI 4070/4072. Select
one of the following options:
If you are calibrating an NI 4072 and want to continue verifying other
modes, go to the Verifying Capacitance and Inductance (NI 4072
Only) section.
If you do not want to verify other modes and you are performing a
post-adjustment verification, go to the Completing the Adjustment
Procedures section.
If you do not want to verify any additional modes and you are
performing a pre-adjustment verification, call
niDMM_close to close
the session.