
© National Instruments Corporation 1-1 HSE Linking Device and NI-FBUS Software
This chapter lists what you need to get started and includes a brief
description of the HSE Linking Device and the NI-FBUS software.
What You Need to Get Started
To install your NI-FBUS software, you need the following items:
HSE linking device
Installation disks
Ethernet adapter installed on your computer
Windows 2000/NT/XP installed on your computer
Hardware Description
Foundation Fieldbus includes both H1 (31.25 kbit/s) and High Speed
Ethernet (100 Mbit/s) specifications. HSE Linking Device is a high-speed
Ethernet (HSE) device used to integrate H1 fieldbus segments into the HSE
backbone from an Ethernet-based network. The HSE Linking Device
provides standard UDP/TCP access to H1 field devices.
Software Description
Your kit includes either the NI-FBUS Communications Manager software
or the NI-FBUS Configurator software. Depending on the system you
purchase, you may receive both disks; if this is the case, you should use the
NI-FBUS Configurator software.
The NI-FBUS Communications Manager software is used by the interface
boards or linking device to communicate over the bus. Additionally, it
provides a high-level API advanced users can use to interface with the
National Instruments Foundation Fieldbus communication stack and