
© National Instruments Corporation G-1 HSE Linking Device and NI-FBUS Software
Alarm A notification the NI-FBUS Communications Manager software
sends when it detects that a block leaves or returns to a particular
API See Application Programmer Interface.
Application Function blocks.
Application Programmer
A message format that an application uses to communicate with
another entity that provides services to it.
Asynchronous Communication that occurs at times that are not predetermined.
Bank The combination of one FieldPoint network module and one or more
terminal bases and I/O modules.
Basic device A device that can communicate on the Fieldbus, but cannot become
the LAS.
Block A logical software unit that makes up one named copy of a block and
the associated parameters its block type specifies. The values of the
parameters persist from one invocation of the block to the next. It can
be a resource block, transducer block, or function block residing
within a virtual field device.
Bus The group of conductors that interconnect individual circuitry in a
computer. Typically, a bus is the expansion vehicle to which I/O or
other devices are connected. Examples of PC buses are the ISA and
PCI buses.
Bus scheduler See Link Active Scheduler.