1. Channel 06 may also be used for communications between ship
stations and aircraft engaged in coordinated search and rescue
operations. Ship stations shall avoid harmful interference to such
communications on channel 06 as well as to communications be-
tween aircraft stations, ice breakers and assisted ships during ice
2. Channels 15 and 17 may also be used for on-board communica-
tions provided the effective radiated power does not exceed 1
3. These channels (AIS 1 and AIS 2) will be used for an automatic
ship identification and surveillance system capable of providing
worldwide operation on the high seas, unless other frequencies
are designated on a regional basis for this purpose.
4. The use of these channels (75 and 76) should be restricted to navi-
gation related communication only, and all precautions should
be taken to avoid harmful interference to channel 16, e.g. by lim-
iting power to 1 Watt or by means of geographical location. These
channels are not available in the SX-35 DSC.
5. As of 01 July 1999, these channel (10 or 73 depending upon loca-
tion) are also used for the broadcast of Marine Safety Information
by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency in the UK only.
6. Channel 70 is to be used exclusively for digital selective calling
for distress, safety and calling.
7. Channel 13 is designated for use on a worldwide basis as a navi-
gation safety communication channel, primarily for intership navi-
gation safety communications.
8. Channels n0 and n2 are UK channels and should only be used in
UK territorial waters. Their on-board use is covered by a Ship
Radio License. However, equipment that is only capable of oper-
ating on these frequencies is usually licensed under a Coastal Sta-
tion Radio License and it is not necessary for the operator to hold
an operator’s certificate.
Use of International Mobile Maritime VHF Channels Notes