
PostScript tab
Pi4700e 4-31
Properties Settings Chapter 4
4.9 PostScript tab
This tab enables you to set all items related to PostScript.
PostScript output
Set the output format of PostScript.
PostScript (optimize for
Performs optimization for faster printing processing.
PostScript (optimized
for portability-ADSC)
Performs optimization for reducing error.
Encapsulated Post-
Script (EPS)
Select this item when you wish to embed this file as an
image in a document that is to be printed using a differ-
ent program.
Archive format Saves the data stream of PostScript to a file.
Postscript header
Set the method of sending the header.
Download header with
each print job
This item sends header information each time a docu-
ment is printed. We recommend that you use this set-
ting when sharing a network printer.
Assume header is
downloaded and re-
Sends header information only once to the printer, in
order to shorten the printing time.
Send Header Now Sends header information to the controller.
Print PostScript error information
Set the PostScript error information printing.
Compress bitmap images
Send graphics in compressed form.