13135 West Lisbon Road • Brookeld, Wisconsin, USA 53005
58-14-2260 11/11
MILWAUKEE prides itself in producing a premium quality product that is
NothiNg But heavy Duty
. Your satisfaction with our products is very important to us! If you
encounter any problems with the operation of this tool, or you would like to locate the factory
Service/Sales Support Branch or authorized service station nearest you, please call:
1-800-SAWDUST (1-800-729-3878)
Monday-Friday 7:00 AM – 6:30 PM Central
or visit the MILWAUKEE website at www.milwaukeetool.com
In addition, authorized distributors are ready to assist you with your tool and accessory
needs. Check your local business-pages phone directory under "Tools-Electric" for the
names and adresses of distributors nearest you, or see the "Where to Buy" section of www.
For Service Information, click on "Service Center Search" in the "Parts & Service" section of
the MILWAUKEE website. For technical support or questions about service, repair or
Warranty, contact MILWAUKEE Corporate After Sales Service Technical Support in any
of these ways:
call: 1-800-SAWDUST(1-800-729-3878), FAX: 1-800-638-9582
or email: metproductsupport@milwaukeetool.com
Register your tool online at www.milwaukeetool.com and...
• receive important notications regarding your purchase
• ensure that your tool is protected under the Warranty
• become a
heavy Duty club member
MILWAUKEE prides itself in producing a premium quality product that is
NothiNg But heavy Duty
. Your satisfaction with our products is very important to us! If you
encounter any problems with the operation of this tool, or you would like to locate the factory
Service/Sales Support Branch or authorized service station nearest you, please call:
1-800-268-4015 Monday-Friday 7:00 AM – 6:30 PM Central
FAX: 1-866-285-9049, or visit the MILWAUKEE website at
In addition, authorized distributors are ready to assist you with your tool and accessory needs.
Call the numbers above or see the "Where to Buy" section of www.milwaukeetool.com.
Milwaukee Electric Tool (Canada) Ltd.
140 Fernstaff Court, Unit 4 18129 111th Ave NW
Vaughan, ON L4K 3L87 Edmonton, AB T5S 2P2
MILWAUKEE est er de proposer un produit de première qualité
NothiNg But heavy Duty
. Votre satisfaction est ce qui compte le plus! En cas de problèmes
d’utilisation de l’outil ou pour localiser le centre de service/ventes ou le centre d’entretien le
plus proche, appelez le : 1-800-268-4015 Lundi – Vendredi 7:00 – 4:30 Central.
FAX : 866-285-9049. Notre réseau national de distributeurs agréés se tient à votre
disposition pour fournir l’aide technique, l’outillage et les accessoires nécessaires.
Composez le 1-800-268-4015 pour obtenir les noms et adresses des revendeurs les plus
proches ou bien consultez la site web à l’adresse www.milwaukeetool.com
Rafael Buelna No. 1, Col Tezozomoc, Delegación Azcapotzalco, México, D.F.
Telefono sin costo 01 800 832 1949, e-mail: servicio@ttigroupna.com
Adicionalmente, tenemos una red nacional de distribuidores autorizados listos para
ayudarle con su herramienta y sus accesorios. Por favor, llame al 01 800 832 1949 para
obtener los nombres y direcciones de los más cercanos a usted.
O consulte la sección <<Where to buy>> (Dónde comprar) de nuestro sitio web en:
Registre su herramienta en línea, en www.ttigroupmexico.com y...
• reciba importantes avisos sobre su compra
• asegúrese de que su herramienta esté protegida por la garantía
• conviértase en integrante de Heavy Duty