M12 160x120 Thermal Imager Operator's Manual 27
xed focus An optical system for a camera or thermal imager that is set to one average distance, resulting
in an in-focus range that is not adjustable.
FPA (focal-plane
A rectangular at-panel matrix of detector elements on which the Thermal Imager’s optical
lenses and lters focus infrared energy to produce a thermal image. The type of FPA used in
the Thermal Imager is called a microbolometer. It produces signals that make a new complete
thermal image 60 times per second.
focal point The distance from the lens at which the thermal imager is in focus.
focus distance The closest distance at which you can focus the thermal image: 11.8 inches or 30 cm.
focusing ring The movable ring around the front lens that you adjust for the sharpest thermal image. This
has no effect on the visual digital camera image.
frame rate The number of times per second that the Thermal Imager displays a completely updated
thermal image: 60 times per second, or 60 Hz (Hertz).
full scale The minimum temperature and the maximum temperature that the Thermal Imager can
measure. When in AUTO RANGE mode, the Thermal Imager adjusts itself to a portion of full
scale, called “span” that is somewhere within the full-scale endpoints. Using MANUAL RANGE
settings, you can set the Thermal Imager to cover full scale, but usually this makes it more
difcult to discern small temperature variations in the thermal image.
function key
button on the directional keypad. Its function changes depending on what activity is
happening. It is often used as the ENTER key to conrm a menu selection.
image Either a thermal image or a visual image. The Thermal Imager captures both kinds every time
you pull the trigger. The pair of images are called an “image set.” When you save, erase, or
load an image to a PC, both the thermal and visual images always stay bundled together.