(6) Continuity
Range Resolution Accuracy
600.0Ω 0.1Ω ±(1% reading + 5 digits)
Open Circuit Voltage: Approx. 0.6V
Continuity: Built-in buzzer sounds when measured resistance is less than 30Ω and sounds off
when measured resistance is more than 200Ω, Between 30Ω to 200Ω the buzzer
maybe sound or off either.
Continuity Indicator: 2.7KHz Tone Buzzer
Response Time of Buzzer: < 500 μsec.
Response Time of LCD reading: < 1.5 sec.
Overload Protection: AC/DC 600V for 10 second.
(7) Capacitance
Range Resolution Accuracy
100.0µF 0.01µF
1000µF 1µF
±(1.9% reading + 2 digits)
Response Time when measuring 1000µF: < 2.5 sec.
Overload Protection: AC/DC 600V for 10 second.
(8) Frequency
Range Resolution Min. Sensitivity Accuracy
100.00Hz 0.01Hz > 10.0Vp-p
1000.0Hz 0.1Hz > 10.0Vp-p
10.000kHz 0.001Hz > 10.0Vp-p
50.00kHz 0.01Hz > 10.0Vp-p
±(0.1% reading + 2 digits)
Max. Sensitivity: 600V rms
Response Time: < 1.2 sec. when measuring bigger than 2.00Hz signal.
Overload Protection: AC/DC 720V for 10 second.
(9) Over-range Indication
Display “OL” or “-OL” when the reading exceeds 10% of the full scale except the full scale is 10000
(10) Rotary Switch
In order to prevent a “0” reading, the contacts about the input signal must be made properly
before the contact of the function selection.