Physical and Environmental Characteristics
noitpircseD scitsiretcarahC
Dimensions (H×W×D) 170mm×80mm×57mm
gK3.0 )yrettab htiw( thgieW
noitpircseD scitsiretcarahc latnemnorivnE
C°05+ ot 01- gnitarepo erutarepmeT
Non-Operating -40 to +60°C
.H.R %08< )gnitarepo( ytidimuH
).tf 0656( M000,2 gnitarepO edutitlA
Non-Operating 12,300M (40354 ft.)
Vibration & shock Operating MIL-PRF-28800F for Class 2 Instrument
esU roodnI esU roodnI
Certifications and compliances
Designed to IEC61010-1, UL61010-1 and CSA specifications
Input rating Category lll 600V.
CAT lll : Distribution level mains, fixed installation.
CAT ll : Local level mains, appliances, portable equipment
Over voltage category
CAT l : Signal level, special equipment or parts of equipment,
telecommunication, electronics.
Pollution Degree 2
Do not operate in environments where conductive
Pollutants may be present.