
POD Farm 1.01 – Glossary (What Is...?)
Host Sync On Host Sync Off
When the Host Sync button is activated, this sets the POD Farm Plug-In tempo to follow the current
project tempo of the VST/AU/RTAS host software. You can then utilize the FX Time/FX Speed - Sync
On/Off button found in most Delay and Modulation effects’ Edit Panels to follow this Host tempo.
*Note that when in POD Farm Standalone mode, you’ll see only the BPM & Tap Tempo
options (since obviously there is no “Host” application tempo to follow!)
Please see What are the FX Time/FX Speed Controls? and the related tempo options in the Plug-In
chapter for more details.
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What are Hot Keys (keyboard shortcut assignments)?
What Hot Keys are available in POD Farm? You can type on your computer’s keyboard to activate
various POD Farm functions. These Hot Keys are available in POD Farm Standalone Operation
Hot Key Assignments
Command - Action Windows
Main Menu Commands
File-Open Ctrl + O z O
File-Tone-As Ctrl + S z S
File-Tone-Save As... Ctrl + Shift + S Òz S
File-Tone Info... Ctrl + I z I
File-Tone-Recent Ctrl + [0 - 9] z [ 0 - 9]
Help-Open Help F1 z ?
File-Tone-Open (B) Ctrl + Alt + O x z O
File-Tone-Save (B) Ctrl + Alt + S x z S
File-Tone-Save As (B) Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S xÒz S
File-Tone-Info (B) Ctrl + Alt + I x z I
File-Tone-Recent (B) Ctrl + Alt + [0 - 9] x z [0 - 9]
POD Farm-Preferences... z ,
POD Farm-Hide POD Farm z H
POD Farm-Hide Others Òz H
POD Farm-Quit POD Farm Alt + F4 z Q
Window-Minimize WINKEY + M z M