POD Farm 1.01 – Glossary (What Is...?)
What is FX X-Over, Lo Cut (on Bass Amps)
The FX X-Over, Lo Cut knob (a clever abbreviation for Effects Crossover, Low Cut) is found on all
Bass Amps and is designed to reduce the low frequencies of Delay, Modulation and Reverb effects’
“wet” signals to alleviate the “muddiness” that can sometimes occur when used on bass guitar. Turn
the Lo Cut knob clockwise to select a frequency range from 25Hz to 800Hz. The portion of the signal
below the frequency you choose will not have the effect applied to it. Note that this Lo Cut feature is
not applied to your normal “dry” signal at all, therefore, if you do not have any Delay, Mod or Reverb
effect active, then you’ll hear no change in your Tone whatsoever.
What is Gate?
The Gate effect included in POD Farm is designed to reduce the noise that your guitar or bass makes
when you are not playing. You can think of it as a gate that opens to let your guitar sound through
when you play, and closes when you stop playing to shut out the low level noise you would otherwise
hear after you stop playing.
The Gate works by detecting the input level coming into POD Farm Plug-In (or, coming into the
assigned Line 6 device input when running in Standalone operation). When the input level is below
the level set for the gate’s Threshold knob, the gate will close at the speed set by the Gate’s Decay
knob, and silence the signal. When the input level is above the threshold, the gate will open to let
the full signal through, unaffected. Turning the Threshold knob clockwise increases the aggressiveness
of the gate in its effort to cut off sound. The idea is to set the threshold low enough so that it doesn’t
cut off the signal the input level decays (such as on sustained notes or ends of vocal phrases), but high
enough so that low level noise doesn’t keep the gate open.
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What is Host Sync?
For most Delay and modulation effects in POD Farm, you’ll see the Host Sync - BPM/Tap Tempo
controls at the top right of the Edit Panel.