
Reference: Tweaking Tones
Select Knob – turn to pick a Delay model.
Time – for mono delays, sets the time for the delay line; for stereo delays, sets the time
for the left side delay line.
Tap – set this to OFF to have this effect ignore tempo, or pick a note value that
you’d like your speed to match; works with the Ta p button/footswitch and the Tempo
Tempo – Shows the tempo that’s been set by Ta p , and lets you fine tune it.
Mix – controls the ratio of wet (effected) to dry (non-effected) sound that is heard.
Bass – bass tone control.
Treble – treble tone control.
Fdbk – adjusts how much of the delayed signal is fed back to the input of the delay.
Config – allows you to choose the position of the Delay pedal in your signal flow: Pre
(before the amp model), or Post (after the amp model).
ModSpd – for delays with modulation, controls how fast (or slow) the modulating
waveform sweeps.
Depth – for delays with modulation, controls the overall amplitude of the modulating