
Reference: Tweaking Tones
re f e r e n C e : T w e a k i n G To n e s
Amp + Cab
Type – turn this knob to select Guitar Amp Models, Bass Amp Models or Pre-Amp type
Select Knob – once the Type has been selected, turn the Select Knob to pick an Amp
Model. The Model names will appear at the top of the display.
Cab spins through the available Cabinet Models. The available cabs will change
depending on the Amp Model that is chosen.
Mic – changes the microphone selection.
Room - adjusts the amount of “room tone” in your sound. Low settings give you the sound
of moving the virtual microphone closer to the virtual cabinet (you’ll hear only a small
amount of the early reflections caused by the sound echoing in the room). Higher settings
increase the early reflections, as if you moved the mic farther from the cabinet.
Byp Vol - sets the Bypass Volume, the volume that this tone will be set to when the
Amp+Cab block is off. It doesn’t affect the volume you hear with the Amp+Cab block