POD Farm 1.01 – Glossary (What Is...?)
A Rotary Drum + Horn (or rotary speaker) is one of those things that makes you go, “Gee whiz!”
when you first hear about it: a speaker is mounted on a rotating motor, and spun around as sound plays
through it. A switch allows you to select slow or fast speed for the rotation, and one cool thing about a
rotary is the gradual change in sound that you hear as the speaker speeds up or slows down to the new
speed. The rotary drum + horn speaker enclosure was originally developed for organ players, but guitar
players soon put it to use as well. Effects manufacturers also quickly started making foot pedals that
emulated this effect too (check out the POD Farm U-Vibe in the Mod Effects menu for a model of one
of these popular effects). Stevie Ray Vaughn and The Beatles were both heavy users of rotary speaker
effects for guitar. Toggle the switch between SLOW and FAST spinning effects, and tweak the TONE
for darker to brighter sound colors. In actual use, Rotary Drum & Horn units don’t mix the “dry” input
signal with that coming out of the Drum & Horn enclosure, so turn the MIX all the way up for full
effect, but the MIX control can be nice for a little subtle warbling too!
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What is Reverb (Verb)?
Reverb (or sometimes referred to as “verb” in audio engineer-speak), is one of the POD Farm Effects
categories. The Reverbs menu in the Gear Panel lets you choose from a number of different models,
including Spring Reverb as well as Room, Hall and Plate Reverb types:
Choose the • Spring Reverb when you want the kind of classic sound created by spring reverb
tanks built into guitar amps, or used for studio processing on classic recordings. This is the place
to come, for instance, when you’re looking for that signature Surf Music sound of splattering
Choose a • Room or Hall Reverb when you want a polished, modern studio sound. These
simulate the sound of your amped guitar echoing in a small or large room, and can be set to
subtly enhance the size and polish of your tone, or make it sound like you’re playing in a large,
resonant chamber.
Choose a • Plate Reverb for a more reflective reverberation, reminiscent of some of the famous old
recordings. Plate reverb can be excellent for vocals or drums too.
Many of the effects are modeled after classic gear described in the Model Gallery.
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What are Sends?
Sends are also referred to as “Record Sends” - please see the earlier topic, What is a Record Send?
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