Line 6 POD Farm 1.01 – Troubleshooting
not, then the Line 6 driver may not be installed correctly. You can run Line 6 Monkey with your
Line 6 device connected and choose “Drivers” in the Updates tab to make sure you have the
latest version. Or, just try re-installing the driver using Monkey, following the installer steps it
If your Line 6 Hardware is not configured as your computer’s Sound Card:• You must connect
a cable from the Output of your Line 6 device to the input of your sound card.
POD Studio & TonePort Users:• Connect either the ¼-inch Analog Outs or the Headphone
Out to your sound card
GuitarPort Users:• Connect an 1/8-inch stereo cord from the Monitor Out to the Line
input of your sound card (very likely another 1/8-inch stereo connector).
POD X3 & PODxt users:• Connect the ¼-inch Left & Right line outs, or the Headphone
Output to your sound card.
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Causes of excess noise or unwanted distortion and clipping
Noise and distortion? That’s what electric guitar is all about, right!? But if you’re hearing the bad kind
of noise or distortion from POD Farm, there are several possible sources and solutions, including the
POD Farm amp, Tone and Monitor volume knob settings, sound card noise, guitar noise, and speaker
or audio system noise. Let’s run through each of these, and how it might be a part of your problem:
Input and/or Output levels not optimal –• It is a good idea to go through your signal chain and
make sure you’ve got all your components’ levels set for the best audio quality. Please see the
previous section - POD Farm volume/output level is too low.
Guitar Noise –• It’s easy to find out if your guitar or guitar cable is the source of your noise
problem. Just disconnect your guitar cable from your Line 6 hardware and see if the noise goes
away. If it does, try using a different guitar cable to see if the cable is the problem. If changing
the cable doesn’t take care of it, you may just have a guitar with noisy pickups, or your guitar may
be picking up electrical noise from your computer’s display or other sources. You can generally
reduce these noises with the POD Farm Gate effect.
Speaker or other Audio System Noise when using Line 6 hardware –• It’s also possible that the
noise is occurring AFTER your Line 6 device, in your speakers, headphones, or other system that
you are connecting your device to for listening. If you’re using headphones, try another pair that
you own or can borrow from a friend to see if the headphones are the problem. If you’re listening
via multimedia speakers or other equipment, try connecting headphones directly to your Line 6
device instead to determine if noise is coming from the Line 6 device, or your speakers or audio
system. You may have the volume turned too high on the speakers or audio system, causing
distortion there. Also, try unplugging the cable that connects your Line 6 device to your speakers
or audio system, and see if the noise goes away. If it does, the noise is probably coming from
the Line 6 device or something feeding into it; if the noise doesn’t go away, it means that the
speakers or other audio system components are probably the noise makers. You should also try a
different cable to connect your device’s output to your system, to make sure the cable isn’t the
Noise complaints from your family and neighbors –• Sorry, you’re on your own there.
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