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3. Monitored Port: Based on the Sniffer Mode selection made previously, traffic
from the selected port option boxes will be mirrored onto the Analysis port. A
maximum of 25 monitored ports can be configured.
2.4.10 SNMP/Trap Manager
The 24 + 2 Giga SNMP Ethernet Switch can be managed from any Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP) application. If using the Management Information
Base (MIB) within your SNMP application, then the information can be reported in a
more intuitive manner. SNMP is a Protocol that governs the transfer of information
between the management station (application) and the agent (the 24 + 2 Giga SNMP
Ethernet Switch).
1. System Options. Used to define a logical name to the switch, the location of the
switch, and contact person for administration of the switch. This information is
used in Enterprise SNMP management, where the network can be very
widespread, potentially even in other countries. To know where the unit is
physically located, and who to contact in the event of a problem is critical.
Name: Enter a name to be used for the switch.
Location: Enter the location of the switch.
Contact: Enter the name of the person or organization that maintains the switch.