How to Use the Basic Workouts Console continued
How To Use: Basic Workouts Console
2 Time Display
Time displays the amount of
time entered in minutes
during workout setup. Time
can be adjusted in 1:00 minute increments. During
workout setup time can be adjusted from 00:00 to
99:99 minutes. At the beginning of a workout, the
user begins a warm up period, which is not
included in the total time of the workout. To skip
the warm up period press the down key until the
warm up time is 00:00 and your workout time
begins. Note: to adjust time make sure the
underscore is under the display. During the workout
time can be adjusted by pressing the up and down
key. After the workout is complete an automatic
cool-down period begins. It can be skipped by
pressing the down key and reducing the time to
00:00. There is an option to set the time to count up
or down from 00:00 and end at the time set during
workout setup.
3 Speed Display
Speed is displayed in miles per hour
(MPH). The formula tries to replicate
miles per hour as if the exercise was
being conducted outdoors. The speed range on
bikes and cross-trainers is 0.5 mph and up, in
increments of 0.1 mph. The speed range on
treadmills is 0.5 mph to 10.0 mph and is adjustable
in increments of 0.1 mph. Speed can be converted
to kilometers per hour in the settings menu.
See Settings Section.
4 Distance Display
Distance is shown in miles.
The distance formula tries to replicate
miles as if the exercise was being
conducted outdoors. The distance formula will not
always be consistent with other Life Fitness products
or other manufacturer’s products. Distance can be
converted to kilometers in the settings menu.
See Settings Section.