
How To Use: Advanced Workouts Console
How to Use Race Mode
Race mode can be activated during a workout by pressing the Race Mode key on the console. This function can
only be used during a manual, random, hill, ez incline, or sports training workout. Race mode is a function that
allows the user to race against a simulated speed that is determined when Race Mode is turned on. The user is
represented by a filled in arrow above the workout profile and the pacer will be symbolized by the outline of the
arrow. During race mode, the workout profile column will blink to indicate where the user is at in the profile.
Beginning a Race
Press the Race Mode Key during a manual, random, hill, ez incline, or sports training workout to turn Race
Mode on. At this point the Race Mode symbol will illuminate. A prompt will appear in the message display
to enter a desired speed. Speed can be changed using the up/down arrows. The speed entered will be the
pacer’s speed during the race. Once a race speed is entered, the pacer and the user arrows will begin at the
first column and race across the workout profile. The pacer is symbolized by an outline of an arrow and the
user is symbolized by the filled in arrow. The pacer’s movement across the profile is determined by the set
race speed and the time remaining in the workout. Therefore if the workout time is adjusted during the race,
the pacer’s settings are reconfigured and the race will start again from the first column.