How to Use the Advanced Workouts Console
How To Use: Advanced Workouts Console
10 Workout Profile Indicator Arrow
The arrow located above the
columns in the workout profile
displays the position the user is at
in the workout. The position is
represented by the time entered during workout
setup divided by the number of columns (24). For
example during a 24 minute workout the arrow
would move from column to column every minute.
During Race Mode the arrow splits into two
separate arrows, a filled in arrow and an outline of
an arrow, to simulate the user and the pacer.
11 Level Meter
Indicates the intensity of the workout based on
the level the user set. The higher the meter is
filled, the more difficult the workout is. Please see
the table below to see how the level meter is
11 - 12%
9 - 10.5%
8 - 8.5%
7 - 7.5%
6 - 6.5%
5 - 5.5%
4 - 4.5%
3 - 3.5%
2 - 2.5%
0.0 - 1.5%
19 - 20
17 - 18
15 - 16
13 - 14
11 - 12
9 - 10
7 - 8
5 - 6
3 - 4
1 - 2
Note that the percent in the table represents the
user’s actual heart rate as a percent of their heart rate
max. The heart rate max is 220-user’s age. For
example: A 40 year old’s heart rate max would be
220-40 = 180. During their workout at the first interval
their actual heart was 100. Therefore 100/180 = .56 or
56% and the profile would display the user at row 4
for the first interval of the workout.