
Appendix A: MarkVision
Centralized setup
MarkVision lets you set up several printers on a network
without leaving your workstation.
Printer configuration.
MarkVision’s Quick Setup func-
tion lets you configure multiple printers simultaneously.
Simply use MarkVision to set up one printer, save the set-
tings into a file, and send that file to all the other printers
you want to update.
Network adapter firmware setup.
When new firmware
is available for the network adapters installed in your
printers, use MarkVision to upgrade all adapters from
your workstation.
MarkVision network installation.
Install MarkVision on
a shared network drive and users with access to the drive
can install MarkVision on their workstation.
MarkVision for intranets.
If you install MarkVision for
intranets with a web server, your users can run MarkVi-
sion directly from the web site.
Uninstaller for MarkVision.
Use the uninstaller when-
ever you need to remove the MarkVision utility from a