Section 1
CAUTION LABELS ................................................................... 1-1
INSTALLATION PRECAUTIONS ............................................. 1-2
PRECAUTIONS FOR USE ...................................................... 1-3
Section 2
NAMES OF PARTS ............................... 2-1
1. Main body ................................................................................ 2-1
2. Operation panel ....................................................................... 2-3
3. Touch panel ............................................................................. 2-5
Section 3
PREPARATIONS ................................... 3-1
1. Loading paper ......................................................................... 3-1
(1) Note when adding paper.................................................. 3-1
(2) Loading paper into the drawer[cassette] .......................... 3-2
(3) Loading paper into the multi-bypass tray ......................... 3-3
Section 4
BASIC OPERATION .............................. 4-1
1. Basic copying procedure ......................................................... 4-1
2. Enlarging/reducing the copy image ......................................... 4-5
(1) Auto magnification selection mode .................................. 4-5
(2) Zoom mode..................................................................... 4-6
(3) Preset zoom mode........................................................... 4-7
(4) XY zoom mode ................................................................ 4-8
3. Interrupt copying...................................................................... 4-9
4. Job reservation ...................................................................... 4-10
5. Energy-saving modes............................................................ 4-11
Section 5
1. Making 2-sided copies from various types of originals [2-sided
copy modes] ............................................................................ 5-1
(1) Making 2-sided copies from a 2-sided original ................ 5-1
(2) Making 2-sided copies from an
open-faced (books, etc.) original ..................................... 5-1
(3) Making 2-sided copies from one-sided originals.............. 5-2
2. Copying two-page originals onto separate sheets
[Page separation/Split copy modes] ........................................ 5-4
(1) Page separation/Split copy from book originals ............... 5-4
(2) Page separation/Split copy from 2-sided originals ........... 5-4
3. Making a margin space on the copies [Margin mode] ............. 5-6
(1) Standard margin .............................................................. 5-6
(2) Separate front and back margin settings ......................... 5-6
4. Centering the copy image [Centering/Image shift mode] ........ 5-8
5. Adding a space next to the copy images for making notes
[Memo mode] .......................................................................... 5-9
6. Making copies with clean edges [Border erase modes] ........ 5-11
(1) Erasing blemishes from edges of copies
(Sheet erase mode) ....................................................... 5-11
(2) Erasing blemishes from the edges and middle of copies
made from books (Book erase mode) ........................... 5-11
(3) Erasing blemishes from the edges of copies using individual
border settings (Individual border erase mode) ............. 5-12
7. Fitting the image of either two or four originals onto a single copy
page [Combine/Merge Copy modes]..................................... 5-13
(1) 2 in 1 .............................................................................. 5-13
(2) 4 in 1 .............................................................................. 5-13
8. Printing page numbers on copies
[Print page numbers mode] ................................................... 5-16
9. Overlaying one image over another [Form overlay mode]..... 5-20
10. Making booklets from sheet originals
[Booklet/Stitching mode]........................................................ 5-22
11. Making booklets from book originals
[Book to Booklet mode] ......................................................... 5-26
12. Automatic sorting of copy sets without the Document Finisher
[Sort/Finished mode] ............................................................. 5-29
13. Auto rotation function............................................................. 5-30
14. Adding a front and/or back cover to your copy sets
[Cover mode] ......................................................................... 5-31
15. Original size selection mode ................................................. 5-34
16. Feeding paper as a backing sheet for OHP transparencies
[Transparency + backing sheet mode]................................... 5-36
17. Inverting black and white [Invert mode] ................................. 5-38
18. Making mirror image copies [Mirror image mode] ................. 5-39
19. Making a test copy prior to large volume copying
[Proof mode] .......................................................................... 5-40
20. Making more of the same copies after a copy job is finished
[Repeat copy mode] .............................................................. 5-42
(1) Registering a copy job for repeat copying...................... 5-42
(2) Printing out with the repeat copy mode ......................... 5-43
21. Copying a large volume of originals in one operation
[Batch scanning mode].......................................................... 5-47
22. Saving on toner use [Eco print mode] ................................... 5-48
23. Original set direction.............................................................. 5-49
24. Memorizing frequently used settings [Program function] ...... 5-50
(1) Registering a program ................................................... 5-50
(2) Using programmed settings to make copies.................. 5-51
(3) Changing a registered program name ........................... 5-51
(4) Deleting a registered program ....................................... 5-52
25. Registration keys ................................................................... 5-53
(1) Registering a function or mode under a function key .... 5-53
(2) Deleting a registration key ............................................. 5-55
26. Easily add covers and insert sheets between various sets of
originals in one operation [Job build mode]........................... 5-57
(1) Using the job build mode ............................................... 5-57
(2) Selecting the settings and functions ................................ 5-62