Engine Top End
Table of C ontents
Exploded View................................... 5-2
Specifications .................................... 5-6
Special Tools and Sealant ................. 5-8
Clean Air System............................... 5-10
Air Suction Valve Removal........... 5-10
Air Suction Valve Installation........ 5-10
Air Suction Valve Inspection ........ 5-10
Vacuum Switch Valve Removal ... 5-10
Vacuum Switch Valve Installation 5-10
Vacuum Switch Valve Test ........... 5-11
Clean Air System Hose
Inspection.................................. 5-11
Cylinder Head Cover ......................... 5-12
Cylinder Head Cover Removal .... 5-12
Cylinder Head Cover Installation . 5-12
Camshaft Chain Tensioner ................ 5-14
Camshaft Chain Tensioner
Removal.................................... 5-14
Camshaft Chain Tensioner
Installation................................. 5-14
Camshaft, Camshaft Chain ............... 5-15
Camshaft Removal ...................... 5-15
Camshaft Installation ................... 5-15
Camshaft, Camshaft Cap Wear ... 5-17
Camshaft Runout......................... 5-17
Cam Wear.................................... 5-17
Camshaft Chain Removal............ 5-18
Cylinder Head.................................... 5-19
Cylinder Compression
Measurement ............................ 5-19
Cylinder Head Removal............... 5-20
Cylinder Head Installation ............ 5-20
Cylinder Head Warp..................... 5-21
Valves ................................................ 5-22
Valve Clearance Inspection ......... 5-22
Valve Clearance Adjustment........ 5-22
Valve Removal ............................. 5-22
Valve Installation.......................... 5-22
Valve Guide Removal .................. 5-22
Valve Guide Installation ............... 5-23
Valve-to-Guide Clearance
Measurement (Wobble
Method)..................................... 5-23
Valve Seat Inspection .................. 5-24
Valve Seat Repair ........................ 5-24
Cylinder, Pistons................................ 5-29
Cylinder R emoval......................... 5-29
Cylinder Installation...................... 5-29
Piston Removal............................ 5-29
Piston Installation......................... 5-30
Cylinder Wear .............................. 5-31
Piston Wear ................................. 5-31
Piston R ing, Piston Ring Groove
Wear.......................................... 5-31
Piston Ring Groove W idth............ 5-32
Piston Ring Thickness ................. 5-32
Piston Ring End Gap ................... 5-32
Throttle Body Holder.......................... 5-33
Throttle Body Holder Installation.. 5-33
Muffler................................................ 5-34
Muffler Body Removal.................. 5-34
Exhaust Pipe R emoval................. 5-34
Muffler Body and Exhaust Pipe
Installation ................................. 5-34