Information for Conax, SECA, Viaccess and CryptoWorks users:
Note that with monthly activation intervals, the programme providers have different
procedures for activating pay TV cards. Activation may therefore be a few days
before or after the beginning of a new month. During this activation period, the
CA module and card must be in the slot, and the receiver must be turned on a set
to the booked Pay TV channel.
Follow the instructions from the Pay TV provider.
If your Pay TV card is then still not enabled, we recommend you briefl y withdraw
the CA module with the card out of the slot, with the receiver switched on,
and then re-insert it.
This information has nothing to do with the properties of the unit; it is merely intended to
assist you.
If your CA module is capable of decoding multiple channels, you can press the
buttons to
select whether the module should always decode only one channel (Off) or multiple channels (On).
If you select “Off”, when making an unencrypted recording of an encrypted channel you cannot at
the same time view an encrypted channel through the same CA module.
If you select “On”, when making an unencrypted recording of an encrypted channel you can at the same
time view an encrypted channel through the same CA module and the currently selected transponder.
The number of encrypted channel that you can view at the same time depends on the CA module you
are using.
Note: You cannot at the same time make unencrypted recordings from two encrypted channels
that are being decoded by different CA modules.