Set Local Time
Press the
button to set the variance from
UMTC (Universal Mean Time Coordinate;
formerly Greenwich Mean Time) and Winter/
Summer time. At the bottom of the screen you
see a listing of major cities to provide an indication
of which time zone you have just set. Example:
For Berlin (Germany) you need to enter +1 hour.
Use the
buttons to make the setting.
Select today's date here. Press the
to display a calendar. Select the day using
the cursor buttons (
). If the right
month and year are not displayed, you can
select as follows:
• Previous month (
(red) button)
• Next month (
(green) button)
• Previous year (
(yellow) button)
• Next year (
(blue) button)
Press the
button to confi rm your selection.
Current Time
Use the numeric pad to key in the current
time here. The position at which the number
needs to be entered is automatically underlined.
Set Local Time
Press the
button to set the variance from
UMTC (Universal Mean Time Coordinate;
formerly Greenwich Mean Time) and Winter/
Summer time. At the bottom of the screen you
see a listing of major cities to provide an indication
of which time zone you have just set. Example:
For Berlin (Germany) you need to enter +1 hour.
Use the
buttons to make the setting.
Time Setup Channel
If the time mode is set to automatic, enter the
channel here (pre-setting: “Das Erste”), from
which the receiver should receive the time. Press
button to call up a channel list from which
you can select the channel you want using the
buttons. Press the
button to confi rm
your selection.
Setup Time Now
Press the
button to set the time immediately.
It may take a few seconds for the right time
and date to be displayed.
If the time on the receiver varies by more
than a minute, the time on the receiver
will automatically be updated on selecting
“Das Erste” channel.
Press the
buttons to select “OK” and press the
button to complete the First
installation. Then press the
button to view the TV picture.