Oven Temperature Knob Adjustment
The oven temperature knob can be adjusted if the oven temperature istoo low or too
high and the length oftime to cook ALL foods is too long or too short. Do NOT adjust
the temperature knob if only one or two items are not baking properly.
To adjust the Temperature Knob:
Turnthe ovenTemperature Knobto OFF.
Removethe knob and turnitto the under- _ l"riangle
neath side. Hold it so that the triangle is f/f f------_z-_.._z/_ bc--'rop Screw
at the top. (See Fig. 1) Loosen the two //2o_,_s_._c _
screwsslightly. Holding the skirt inplace,
move the top screw by rotating theknob _ E _ )1
onenotch, as noted by one click, in II _ _(_)_ I!
direction necessary. If notch indentation \\ 0%_ ,_ /f'--Skirl
isnotapparent, tightenscrewsuntilclick- __ /_
ing is heard. There are five notches in
each direction. One notch equals ap- _ FIG.1
proximately I O°F.
EXAMPLE: If the oven temperature is __/__
too cooland ALL foods are
requiring a longer time pe-
riodtocook,the knobshould
be rotated to move the top _'_ 'screw toward the word _,_
"HOTTER". (See Fig 2.) eTCH_O_
Tighten the screws while tightly holding
knobto skirt. To replace knob, match flat
part of knob opening with spring on the
shaft, returning to OFF position.
IMPORTANT: Theoven Temperature Knobshould be adjusted one notch and then the
oven should be tested. (We recommend baking 2--9" yellow layer cakes using a
purchased box mix.) If the oven temperature is still too low or too high, repeat the
procedure described above.
If the knob is rotated too far or in the wrong direction, rotate the knob in the opposite
direction until thecenter of the screw isdirectly under thetriangle, which is the starting
point. Initiate the procedure again until the desired temperature is reached.