Cast Iron Solid Elements - Model SCE4320
The body ofthe solid element is made of high strength cast iron. The red lacquer dot
and saturn ring on the elements will eventually disappear after the element has been
usedor after itis scoured. Thecast ironwill alsolose itsdark luster overaperiod of time.
(See instructions below for restoring cast iron.) These changes willnot affect thesolid
element's performance or durability.
• For normal cleaning, wipe the element with a damp cloth. Heat element on a
medium setting for a few minutes until completely dry.
• For lightsoil, use powdered cleansers such as Bon-Ami, Bar Keepers Friend, or
softscrubbing cleansers. Rinse thoroughly. Heat element on a medium setting
until completely dry.
• Forheavy soil, usesoapy scouring padssuch as S.O.S. or Brillo, ascouring pad
such asScotch-Brite, or a brushwith scouring powders. Tofacilitate the cleaning
process, firstwarmthe element ona low setting. Rinsethoroughly after cleaning.
Heat element on a medium setting until completely dry.
• For routine maintenance and to restore the cast iron, use Collo Electrol (Jenn-
Air Model A911 or Part No. 712190) or salt-free vegetable oil. Apply the Collo
Electrol byfollowing package instructions. When the element iscool, use aclean
cloth to remove excess polish. A very thincoat of salt-free vegetable oil will also
restore the appearance of the cast iron. Apply with paper towel to a lukewarm
element, wipe off excess, and heat on a medium setting to cure. If too much oil
is used, the surface can become tacky. If this happens, use procedures
recommended for cleaning heavy soil.
• Remove any food spills and splatters from elements as soon as possible with a
damp cloth. Dry thoroughly.
Glass Cooktop - Model 8CE4320
The tempered gJass cooktop will withstand temperature changes while cooking.
Although impact resistant, treat this glass cooktop with the same care you would any
glass material.
• Clean glass cooktop after surface has cooled.
• Fornormaldaily cleaning, wipe with a dampsponge or cloth. Use glass cleaners
such as Windex to remove smudges and stains. Buff with a clean dry cloth or
paper towel.
• Formoredifficult to removefood stains, usenon-abrasive softcleansers such as
Shiny Sinks, Soft Scrub, Bon-Ami, or dishwashing liquids such as Ivory or Joy or
a paste of water and baking soda. Rinse and dry thoroughly; buff with clean dry
cloth or paper towel.
• Do not use any cleaners not recommended for use on glass.