Appendix D. Computer Control an ZEQ25GT Mount
The ZEQ25GT mount can be connected to a computer using supplied RS232 cable. A RS232 to
USB adapter (not supplied) is needed if your computer does not have a serial port, like most of the laptops
on the market today. Follow the adapter instructions to install the adapter driver.
When the communication between the mount and computer has been established, the mount can be
controlled via ASCOM protocol.
To control the mount via ASCOM protocol, you need:
1. Download and install ASCOM Platform from http://www.ascom-standards.org/
. Make sure you
PC meet the software requirement. Refer to the ascom-standards website for details.
2. Download and install latest iOptron Telescope .NET ASCOM drive from iOptron website.
3. Planetarium software that supports ASCOM protocol. Follow software instructions to select the
iOptron Telescope.
Please refer to iOptron website, www.iOptron.com
, under Support Directory/ASCOM Driver, iOptron
Telescope .NET ASCOM Driver, for more detail.
ZEQ25GT mount may also be directly controlled by other third party software and accessories.
Please contact them for more information.