Set Observation Site Coordinate
The third and fourth lines display the longitude and latitude coordinates, respectively. The longitude
and latitude coordinates will be automatically updated when the GPS picks up satellite signals. “W/E”
means western/eastern hemisphere; “N/S” means northern/southern hemisphere; “d” means degree; “m”
means minute; and “s” means second.
If for any reason your GPS can’t pick up a signal, you can manually enter the GPS coordinates.
Press ◄ or ► key to move the cursor and using ▲ or ▼ key to toggle between “W” and “E”, “N” and “S”,
using number key to change the numbers. It is always a good idea to do your home work to get the GPS
coordinates before traveling to a new observation site.
The site coordinates information can be found from Support section in iOptron website, under
Controller Set-up (http://www.ioptron.com/support.cfm?module=faq#). By entering the city name or address,
you can find its latitude and longitude. In case you only find the site information in decimal format you can
convert them into d:m:s format by multiplying the decimal numbers by 60. For example, N47.53 can be
changed to N47º31'48”: 47.53º = 47º +0.53º, 0.53º=0.53x60'=31.8', 0.8'=0.8x60"=48". Therefore,
47.53º=47º31'48" or 47d31m48s.
Select N/S Hemisphere
If the polar axis is aligned to North Celestial Pole, then set the mount to Northern Hemisphere. If the
polar axis is pointing to South Celestial Pole, set the mount to Southern Hemisphere. Press ◄ or ► key to
move the cursor and using ▲ or ▼ key to toggle between “Northern Hemisphere” and “Southern
Select Northern Hemisphere if you are located in US and press ENTER to go back to the main menu.
The time and site information will be stored inside the HC memory chip. If you are not traveling to
another observation site, they do not need to be changed.
STEP 10. Polar Alignment
One of ZEQ25’s unique features is that the polar scope can be accessed at anytime. It will not be
blocked by DEC axle as in a German equatorial mount. This makes it possible to adjust the polar alignment
during the tracking.
In order for an equatorial mount to track properly, it has to be accurately polar aligned.
Polar Axis Cover
Polar Scope Cover
Polar Axis (R.A. axis)
Azi. Adj. Knob
Lat. Adj. Knob
Lat. Locking T-bolt
Figure 16. Polar alignment