Chapter 4 — Configuration Command Reference
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide 37
Use Beep Frequency in combination with Beep Volume and
Good Read Beep Duration to define beeps according to operator
preference and work environment.
Beep Volume
Adjusts the volume of the beeps. You can set Beep Volume to
Low, Medium, or High.
Note: To turn off the beeper, you set the Beep
Duration to 0. Turning off the beeper does not
affect the beeps associated with Bluetooth
Connect/Disconnect or Bluetooth Device Page.
Use Beep Volume in combination with Beep Frequency and
Good Read Beep Duration to define beeps according to operator
preference and work environment.
Bluetooth Connect/Disconnect
Connects or disconnects Bluetooth communications between
the SF51 and host computer if you are using Serial port profile.
To connect to a host computer, enter the Bluetooth address
of the computer and scan the bar code with the SF51. To
disconnect, scan the disconnect bar code.
Bluetooth Device Name
Sets the name of the scanner. If the scanner is in a discoverable
state, its Bluetooth device name is available to host computers
during device discovery.
Bluetooth Device Page
If your SF51 is within Bluetooth communication range of your
host PC, you can send this command from EasySet to locate the
SF51. For help, see “Locating the SF51” on page 28.