Chapter 1 — Using the SF51
2 SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide
Introducing the SF51 Cordless Scanner
The SF51 Cordless Scanner is a small, rugged handheld scanner.
It is a lightweight, ergonomically designed scanner that uses a
Bluetooth™ radio for RF communications.
The SF51 includes these features:
Scan button
Magnetic connector
Status light
SF51 Cordless Scanner
This device contains permanent magnets that
can generate magnetic fields of greater than 10
gauss. Caution should be used by anyone with a
Pacemaker, Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator
(ICD), or Heart Failure Device. Check with your
doctor for detailed information before using this
Attention: Cet appareil contient des aimants
permanents qui peuvent produire des champs
magnétiques supérieurs à 10 gauss. Toute
personne munie d’un stimulateur cardiaque,
d’un défibrillateur-cardioverteur implantable
ou d’un appareil visant à pallier les insuffisances
cardiaques doit faire attention. Avant d’utiliser
l’appareil, prenez vos renseignements auprès de
votre médecin.