
ProgrammingChapter 7
252 700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
ID Field Values (continued)
This IOCTL returns the device’s display type. One byte is returned in the buffer pointed to by the lpOutBuffer
This IOCTL re turns the device Ethernet debug IP address. Four bytes are returned in the buffer pointed to by the
lpOutBuffer parameter.
This IOCTL returns the device Ethernet debug subnet mask. Four bytes are returned in the buffer pointed to by the
lpOutBuffer parameter.
This IOCTL returns ECNs applied to the device in a bit array format. Four bytes are returne d in the buffer pointed
to by the lpOutBuffer parameter.
This IOCTL returns the device default contrast setting. Two bytes are returned in the buffer pointed to by the
lpOutBuffer parameter.
This IOCTL returns the manufacturing configuration code for the device. Sixteen bytes are
returned in the buffer pointed to by the lpOutBuffer parameter.
This IOCTL returns the firmware version for various system components. These values for the ClassId field of the
PARMS structure are allowed when ITC_NVPARM_VERSION_NUMBER is used in the id field:
S VN_CLASS_KBD Returns a five-byte string, including null terminator, that contains an ASCII value which
represents the keypad microprocessor version in the system. The format of the string is x.xx with a terminating null
S VN_CLASS_ASIC Re turns a five-byte string, including null terminator, that contains an ASCII value which
represents the version of the FPGA firmware in the system. The format of the string is x.xx with a terminating null
S VN_CLASS_BOOTSTRAP Returns a five-byte string, including null terminator, that contains an ASCII value
which represents the version of the Bootstrap Loader firmware in the system. The format of the string is x.xx with a
terminating null character.
This IOCTL reads the manufacturing flag bits from the non-volatile data store that dictates certain software
parameters. A BOOLEAN DWORD is returned in the buffer pointed to by lpOutBuffer that indicates if Intermec
This IOCTL reads the state of the antenna diversity flag. A BOOLEAN DWORD is returned in the buffer pointed
to by lpOutBuffer that indicates if there is a diversity antenna installed. TRUE indicates that it is installed. FALSE
This IOCTL reads the state of the WAN ring indicator flag. A BOOLEAN DWORD is re turned in the bu ffer
pointed to by lpOutBuffer that indicates the polarity of the WAN RI signal. TRUE indicates active high. FALSE
indicates active low.