ProgrammingChapter —7
244 700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
This parameter configures the Intermec FTP Server to transmit the IDNA
to a specific destination instead of a general UDP broadcast. This parame-
ter is useful on networks that do not allow UDP broadcasts to be routed
between subnets. The use of this parameter restricts the reception of the
IDNA to the target destination only.
Key HKLM\Software\Intermec\IFTP
Value Type REG_SZ
Valid Range None.
Default None.
This parameter configures the Intermec FTP Server to transmit the speci-
fied manifest name in the IDNA. This parameter is used by the Intermec
6920 Communications Serv er for communication transactions. See the
6920 Communications Server documentation for proper use of this pa-
Key HKLM\Software\Intermec\IFTP
Value Type REG_SZ
Valid Range None.
Default iftp.ini
This parameter configures the Intermec FTP Server to sleep for the speci-
fied number of seconds before making the FTP service available on the
Key HKLM\Software\Intermec\IFTP
Value Type REG_DWORD - stored in seconds.
Valid Range None.
Default 0
This parameter configures the Intermec FTP Server to set the root of the
FTP mount point to the specified value. Note that this must map to an ex-
isting directory or you will not be able to log into the FTP Server.
Key HKLM\Software\Intermec\IFTP
Value Type REG_SZ
Valid Range None.
Default \