64 User’s Manual for InterForm400
Seqnbr. Type
1 9 Remap window Input line ___ - ___ Position ___ - ___
Print: From upper edge ______ Line spacing . . ___
From left edge ______ Ignore blank lines _ (Y N)
Adjustment _ (U L R C N B E +)
Rotation ___
Font ____ F4=List
Blank original _ B = blank original version
Condition: Position ___ - ___
Is > = < N _ ____________________________
Blank after _ B = Blank condition after
Input Line: The line interval to read including both lines entered here. If the
end line is left blank or the same as the begin line, only one line
will be remapped.
Position: The Column interval to read including both positions entered
here. The maximum position interval is 198 characters.
Upper edge: Inches, pels absolute to the upper edge of the page according to
the rotation specified by the global settings for the overlay.
From left edge: Inches, pels absolute to the left edge of the page according the
rotation specified by the global settings for the overlay.
Line Spacing: Measured in n/240" which means 6 lines per inch will give the
value 40. Failure to fill in this value, will default to a linespacing of
zero resulting all text to be printed in one line.
Ignore Blank
Lines: Enabling this option will cause all blank lines to be discarded.
Adjustment: formatting of the character string. Valid values are:
U Un-formatted. The character string is printed without any
changes to formatting, and spaces.
L Left-adjustment. Spaces proceeding the first character
in the character string are removed, causing the string to
be left adjusted at the position indicated by From left.
C Centred. Spaces within the character string before and
after printable characters are being removed, and the
string is centred around the position indicated by From
R Right-adjustment. Spaces following the character in the
character string are removed, causing the string to be
right adjusted at the position indicated by From left.
N Numeric. Indicates if the characters in the character
string should be considered as numbers (amounts).
B Print succeeding spaces in barcode data. Indicates if the
spaces in the coloumn interval succeeding the barcode
data should converted to barcode. This only apply to the
barcodes 128 and 3of9. The barcodes will always be left-
E Full Justification. (aligning both left and right margins).
This function enables changes to the number of letters
per line, based on the font size and the max. line width
of the justification. Distance between words is
automatically adjusted.
Maximum line
width:: Defines the maximum length of the justified
text line.(Inch/pels)