User’s Manual for InterForm400® 305
Step 5. Testing the Barcodes in an Overlay
15. We can now try to create an overlay with text constants using the fonts
0003, 5001 and 4700. The following example is testing the OCRB font (font
3) and the barcode (font 4700) only. The spool entry used for testing will be
the demo spool entry delivered with InterForm400
(Refer to section 1.
Create Demo Spool Entry on how to print it. See page 337)
16. Enter 1. Design Overlay on the main menu, and type the name
Design InterForm 400 overlay APF300D
Overlay name FONTTEST__
Overlay text ________________________________
Line spacing 040 in 1/240 of an inch (*INPUT, 1-720)
Rotation 000 (*INPUT, 0, 90, 180, 270)
Extra left margin
positions _0 (0-99)
Maximum number of
print positions 378 (1-378)
Extra blank lines
on top _0 (0-99)
Font 0003 *INPUT, fontnumber F4=List
Extended page def. N (Y N)
Drawer / Papertype *PRINTER (*INPUT, *PRINTER, 1-256, Name) F4=List
Paper Size 0 F4=List
Copy management N (Y N)
Duplex print N (N=no S=short edge margin L=long edge margin)
Duplex margin __0 in 1/240 of an inch (1-720)
Back page overlay __________ Code for placement _ (B=back page F=front)
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Copy from another overlay F12=Cancel
F13=Set view/print parameters F14=PCL-view
17. The only thing we change on this screen is the default font. We set this to
OCRB (Font 3). This means the entire spool entry will be printed with
18. Before we start defining the barcode we will make a printout of the overlay
in OCRB. We press F3 to exit to the main menu, and we enter menu 3.
Merge spool entry with overlay:
Merge Spooled File with Overlay APF730D
Overlay name TESTFONT__
or Overlay Selector ________
Primary/Secondary set _ 1=Primary, 2=Secondary
Spooled file:
Job name __________
User __________
Job number ______
File name __________
Spool file no. ______ (no. / *ONLY / *LAST)
Code page *INPUT Number, *INPUT
Merge overprint lines *NO *NO, *YES
Form type *STD______
Copies __1 (1-255)
Drawer / Papertype *PRINTER (*PRINTER, *INPUT, *OVERLAY, 1-256, Name)
Name of output queue to search if spooled file is unknown:
Output queue . . . . AFC_INPUT1
Library . . . . . APF3812___
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F12=Cancel