
User’s Manual for InterForm400® 281
Spacing: Indicates whether the font is mono spaced (fixed pitch) or proportional
0=monospaced 1=Propotional spaced
Pitch: This field is only of importance if you have chosen fixed spacing. Then
enter e.g. 10,00 for 10 CPI. If you have chosen proportional spacing, just
enter a value within the valid interval, as the width of the individual letters is
relative to the height of the font.
Height: The height of a font is expressed in typographical points. A point is 1/72 of
an inch. A font height of 1/3 of an inch therefore has to be specified as
24,00. The height of a font is slightly greater than the distance from the top
of a capital letter to the bottom of e.g. the letter "g".
Style: Style has the following meaning:
0=Upright 1=Italic
Stroke weight: This describes the thickness of the characters:
0=Medium 3=Bold
Typeface: This field has to be filled in with an ID-number of the typeface to be used.
There is a lot of possible typefaces (refer to the font list or the technical
reference of the printer). Here the scalable typefaces of the HPIII (PCL5)
are shown:
05 = CG Times Roman
52 = Univers (PCL5)
4148 = Univers (PCL5e)
16602 = Arial
16901 = Times New Roman
For other typefaces refer to page 386.
Symbol Set: The symbolset of the font. Leaving it blank will use the symbolset selected
for the interface type (e.g. ASCII850 or ASCIIR8). Entering a symbolset
here is normally for selecting special symbol character sets.
Override spacing:
Here you can override the spacing for fixed width fonts. If you e.g. use a 10
CPI courier font and override to 5 then the 10 CPI font is written with a
spacing of 5 CPI.
Note that changing the above parameters does not change the appearance of the font
unless a font matching the changes can be found in the printer. Print out a font list from
the printers front panel to get an overview of available resident PCL fonts.
Example of Defining a Resident Printer font
We want to define a 70 point Univers Bold Italic for use in our overlay definitions. We
know this font is available as a resident scalable font in HPIII compatible printers.
First we must print out a Font List from the printer’s front panel. Refer to the User’s Guide
of your printer.
Univers Bold Italic is listed on a HPIII Font List with the following PCL Escape Sequence:
If we break it up, we have the following information: