User’s Manual for InterForm400® 103
We create a new sequence line 30 and select ? to make an If-then statement:
Design InterForm 400 overlay APF300D
Overlay name: MYDEMO Overlay text: MYDEMO
Seqnbr. Type Overlay definition
0025 9 Remap window 30-042 pos 08-014 top 5,100 left 2,000 C
0026 9 Remap window 30-042 pos 15-025 top 5,100 left 3,000 C
0027 9 Remap window 30-042 pos 26-039 top 5,100 left 4,000 C
0028 9 Remap window 30-042 pos 40-053 top 5,100 left 5,000 C
0029 9 Remap window 30-042 pos 54-070 top 5,100 left 6,000 C
Seqnbr. Type
30,0 ? If . . . . . Input line 30 - 42
Position 47 - 47
Is > = < N = 2
Then . . . . Overlay LIGHT Nos. of lines to remap 00
Upper edge 1,060 A/+/- -
Left edge _____ A/+/- A
Blank after B = blank original text
F3=Exit F18=DSPSPLF F12=Cancel
We can expect “2" to appear in any item line from 30 to 62, which means this will be our
interval, and we enter Position 47 to 47 as we only search for one character
We now state the operand "equal to" represented by a “=” sign.
We enter LIGHT as overlay name (or press F4 to select it from the list)
The vertical position should be relative to the item lines containing “2". It could seem we
do not need to state any value as we want the text to be placed at the same vertical
position as “2"
But, we remember that we defined the text in the sub-overlay LIGHT to start 1" down,
which means we must move 1" up to level this out. Additionally we have moved the first
line of the item columns 1/4" up with Remap Window commands (sequence lines 25 to
29) compared to the original position defined by the global settings of the overlay
We therefore need to adjust 1+0,25" totally in negative direction (1+(0,25x240) = 1,060).
By stating - (minus) in the field A/+/- we define the movement to be upwards relative to the
found text (=2).
The left edge should be exactly as defined in the sub-overlay LIGHT. Therefore we just
state A in the field A/+/- which means we use the absolute positioning of the sub-overlay.
We press Enter to save line 30.