User’s Manual for InterForm400®
APF3812/PCLTOMBR .............. 418
APF3812/PRTTIFF ................ 419
APF3812/PRTXREF ............... 420
APF3812/RSTLIBFLR .............. 402
APF3812/SAVLIB2FLR ............. 402
APF3812/SNDMAIL ................ 420
APF3812/STRAFCJOB ............. 405
APF3812/STROSCJOB ............. 405
APF3812/TIFTOMBR .............. 422
APF3812/WRKCHT ................ 436
APF3812/WRKMAILADR ........... 420
APF3812/WRKPRFJOB ............ 420
APF3812/WRKSTMFLCK ........... 421
APF3812/ZIP ..................... 412
MRGSPLFZPL .................... 410
CL-programs .................. 403-405, 416
AFC exit programs ................. 146
APF3812/AFCADM ................ 132
APF3812/OSCADM ................ 246
APF3812/STRWTRCHK ............. 27
E-mail exit program ................ 197
PageBuilder Program .............. 409
PRSCOPY ....................... 153
SAP100C ........................ 152
Split exit programs ................. 175
Code128 barcode ..................... 293
FNC1 ........................... 293
Code39 Barcode ...................... 293
Codepage support ..................... 380
I=Image .......................... 67
Images ......................... 321
INK ............................. 60
Palette .......................... 329
PCL files ........................ 325
Printer Types ..................... 375
Commands in the data stream ........390, 446
AFC definitions ................... 152
Overlay .......................... 72
Compress or Zip files .................. 412
&&CPY ......................... 396
Copy management ...............39, 46
Like copies attr. ................... 141
PRSCOPY ....................... 153
Copy Management ...................46, 53
Primary set .....................46, 53
Secondary set ...................46, 53
Copy overlay from another overlay ......... 36
Copy spool file ....................... 424
Copy using PRSCOPY ................. 153
CPYCPISPLF ........................ 406
Creating a new overlay .................. 35
Cross reference list .................... 420
CRTPBSPLF ......................... 406
CVTPCLSPLF ........................ 409
Datamatrix barcode .................... 310
lines ............................. 51
Demo Spool Entry .............. 213-215, 337
Design overlay .....................35, 463
Design window .....................49, 470
Digital signatures
In PDF files ...................... 480
Display Netserver Attributes ............. 400
Display TIFF image .................... 415
Domino/400 .......................... 460
Dots (definition) ....................... 292
Drawer selection
By number ....................... 376
By paper type ..............38, 331, 376
DSPBWIMG ......................... 415
DSPNETSVRA ....................... 400
*VAR ............................ 39
Back Page Overlay ................. 39
Forced front page .................. 39
margin ........................... 39
Prefix ............................ 40
Duplex options ........................ 39
E-mails (Sending) ..................410, 459
Distibution: AFC ................... 218
Distibution: Finishing def. ............ 195
Interactively ...................... 415
Send with attachments ............. 420
Special for PDF output .............. 349
With HTML commands ............. 199
Work with mail addresses ........... 420
EAN Barcodes ....................... 294
Edit a spooled file ..................... 413
Encrypt PDF files ..................... 480
Requirements .................... 480
End AFC job ......................... 404
ENDAFCJOB ........................ 404
ENDNETSVR ........................ 401
Error message
Overlay in use ..................... 35
EXPCHT ............................ 401
Charts .......................... 401
Resources ....................... 341
Export print to PC ..................... 329
Extended page definition ................. 45
F=PCL-FILE .......................... 70
F13 ..............................40, 128
F18 .........................42, 43, 45, 62
F4 .................................. 38
Fax module ........................... 20
File set ............................. 417
KARTSET ....................... 417
Select .......................... 119
Fill patterns ........................... 59
Finishing .........................148, 181
Copy Management ................ 153
For Insertion systems .............. 192
For Prinserter ..................... 181
For Stapling ...................... 190
Level Break definitions ............. 212
Finishing definitions .................... 181
Defining PFE MailPrinter® Pre-process
Definition ..................... 186
Insertion pre-process definitions ...... 192
Level Break conditions .............. 212
Prinserter (fixed number of pages) ..... 181
Prinserter (variable number of pages) .. 183
Reformat *SCS spool .............. 221
Stapling pre-process definitions ....... 190
Using finishing definition with AFC ..... 216
First time installation ................... 356
Flash Memory ........................ 417
FNC1 in code128 barcodes .............. 293
FONTS ...........................38, 278
Adding fonts ..................... 279
additional fonts ................... 279
Auto Download ................... 301
Auto download soft fonts ............ 287
Defining a resident printer font ........ 281
describing, example ................ 281
in Flash SIMM .................... 284
Interface rules .................... 284
MICR soft font .................... 290
OCR-B .......................... 298
OCRA soft font ................... 290