182 User’s Manual for InterForm400
Create Finish Definition PRS310D
Definition name . . . . . . PRINS
Description . . . . . . . .
Ty : :
: Already during the Prepare for Finishing function, the :
: system has to know the number of copies of the individual :
: page. If a succeeding merge with overlay function uses copy :
: management, you will have to tell here which overlay will :
: be used during the merge function. :
: :
: Overlay name . . . . . . . __________ :
: File set . . . . . . . . __________ :
: Or :
: Selector name . . . . . . ________ :
: Primary/Secondary set . . ____ *PRI, *SEC :
: :
: F3=Exit F4=Prompt F12=Cancel :
: :
F3=Exit F12=Cancel
Now enter the fixed number of pages that should go into the envelope. If an enclosure is
required, this is included in this number.
Update Finishing Definition PRS310D
Definition name . . . . : TESTDEF
Description . . . . . . . Mailing , 4 pages per envelope_
Type of Finishing . . . . : 01 Prinserter
Pages per envelope . . . . 4___ *VAR, 1-5
Enclosure . . . . . . . . ____ *NO, *YES
Flap size mm . . . . . . . ____ 36-61
Seal envelope . . . . . . ____ *NO, *YES
F3=Exit F12=Cancel
Definition name: Referred to by the AFC function C=Prepare for Finishing
Pages per envelope: State a fixed set of pages, e.g. by stating 4 will produce 10
envelopes from a 38 page spool entry.
When Description and Pages per envelope are filled in, pressing Enter will bring up the
screen above. Now fill in:
Enclosure: Enclosures can be pre-folded, folded manually, or folded by the
Flap size mm: Flap size of the Envelope measured in millimetres as the widest
point of the envelope flap. This is mainly important in connection
to sealing.