Vol. 3A 5-21
When an exception condition is related to a specific segment, the processor pushes an error code
onto the stack of the exception handler (whether it is a procedure or task). The error code has
the format shown in Figure 5-6. The error code resembles a segment selector; however, instead
of a TI flag and RPL field, the error code contains 3 flags:
EXT External event (bit 0) — When set, indicates that an event external to the
program, such as a hardware interrupt, caused the exception.
IDT Descriptor location (bit 1) — When set, indicates that the index portion of the
error code refers to a gate descriptor in the IDT; when clear, indicates that the
index refers to a descriptor in the GDT or the current LDT.
TI GDT/LDT (bit 2) — Only used when the IDT flag is clear. When set, the TI
flag indicates that the index portion of the error code refers to a segment or gate
descriptor in the LDT; when clear, it indicates that the index refers to a
descriptor in the current GDT.
The segment selector index field provides an index into the IDT, GDT, or current LDT to the
segment or gate selector being referenced by the error code. In some cases the error code is null
(that is, all bits in the lower word are clear). A null error code indicates that the error was not
caused by a reference to a specific segment or that a null segment descriptor was referenced in
an operation.
The format of the error code is different for page-fault exceptions (#PF). See the “Interrupt
14—Page-Fault Exception (#PF)” section in this chapter.
The error code is pushed on the stack as a doubleword or word (depending on the default inter-
rupt, trap, or task gate size). To keep the stack aligned for doubleword pushes, the upper half of
the error code is reserved. Note that the error code is not popped when the IRET instruction is
executed to return from an exception handler, so the handler must remove the error code before
executing a return.
Error codes are not pushed on the stack for exceptions that are generated externally (with the
INTR or LINT[1:0] pins) or the INT n instruction, even if an error code is normally produced
for those exceptions.
Figure 5-6. Error Code
Segment Selector Index