5-2 Vol. 3A
To aid in handling exceptions and interrupts, each IA-32 architecture-defined exception and
each interrupt condition that requires special handling by the processor is assigned a unique
identification number, called a vector. The processor uses the vector assigned to an exception or
interrupt as an index into the interrupt descriptor table (IDT). The table provides the entry point
to an exception or interrupt handler (see Section 5.10, “Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT)”).
The allowable range for vector numbers is 0 to 255. Vectors in the range 0 through 31 are
reserved by the IA-32 architecture for architecture-defined exceptions and interrupts. Not all of
the vectors in this range have a currently defined function. The unassigned vectors in this range
are reserved. Do not use the reserved vectors.
The vectors in the range 32 to 255 are designated as user-defined interrupts and are not reserved
by the IA-32 architecture. These interrupts are generally assigned to external I/O devices to
enable those devices to send interrupts to the processor through one of the external hardware
interrupt mechanisms (see Section 5.3, “Sources of Interrupts”).
Table 5-1 shows vector assignments for architecturally defined exceptions and for the NMI
interrupt. This table gives the exception type (see Section 5.5, “Exception Classifications”) and
indicates whether an error code is saved on the stack for the exception. The source of each
predefined exception and the NMI interrupt is also given.
The processor receives interrupts from two sources:
• External (hardware generated) interrupts.
• Software-generated interrupts.
5.3.1 External Interrupts
External interrupts are received through pins on the processor or through the local APIC. The
primary interrupt pins on Pentium 4, Intel Xeon, P6 family, and Pentium processors are the
LINT[1:0] pins, which are connected to the local APIC (see Chapter 8, “Advanced Program-
mable Interrupt Controller (APIC)”). When the local APIC is enabled, the LINT[1:0] pins can
be programmed through the APIC’s local vector table (LVT) to be associated with any of the
processor’s exception or interrupt vectors.
When the local APIC is disabled, these pins are configured as INTR and NMI pins, respectively.
Asserting the INTR pin signals the processor that an external interrupt has occurred. The
processor reads from the system bus the interrupt vector number provided by an external inter-
rupt controller, such as an 8259A (see Section 5.2, “Exception and Interrupt Vectors”). Asserting
the NMI pin signals a non-maskable interrupt (NMI), which is assigned to interrupt vector 2.