Chapter 5 Using the Command-Line Interface 55
✔ Start the appliance cache and proxy services.
✔ Stop the appliance cache and proxy services.
✔ View and maintain the version of software installed on the appliance.
✔ Clear persistent statistics.
✔ Reboot the system.
✔ Halt the system.
✔ Change Administrator password for telnet and serial access.
✔ Reset the appliance to the factory settings.
✔ Prepare cache disk.
Checking the status of the Server and Manager
You can check the status of the appliance’s Server and Manager applications
using the main menu.
▼ Checking Server and Manager status
1 Select the main menu, and press Enter.
2 Select status, and press Enter. Doing so displays a window that indicates
whether the Server and Manager are UP or DOWN.
Starting the appliance
Starting the caching and proxy services “starts” the appliance.
▼ Starting the appliance
1 Select the main menu, and press Enter.
2 Select start, and press Enter. Doing so displays a message indicating that the
appliance has started successfully.
Stopping the appliance
Shutting down all caching and proxy services “stops” the appliance.
Note You must stop the appliance before doing certain maintenance tasks.
▼ Stopping the appliance
1 Select the main menu, and press Enter.
2 Select stop, and press Enter. Doing so displays a message indicating the
cache has been stopped.