20 Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance Administrator’s Guide
✔ Cache hit rate, refresh
✔ Errors
✔ Aborts
✔ Active clients/servers
✔ Average fresh hit
Note Online help provides descriptions for each of these statistics.
Changing the selected node
As mentioned earlier, information on pages accessed in monitor mode exists for
the selected node and for the cluster as a whole. You start the process to change
the selected node from the Dashboard page by clicking on a node name.
▼ Changing the selected node
1 Click on the node name.
2 Provide the Administrator ID and password, if necessary. It is only necessary
to log on to a node once during a given Manager UI session.
Note Should you forget your password, contact Customer Service at Intel
Corporation for assistance. For information on how to contact Intel Customer
Service, see the Intel
NetStructure Cache Appliance Product Support booklet
that came with your system.
After changing the selected node, that name appears as black text without
underlining, while the remaining node names appear as hypertext links.
If you need more information about the selected node, click the Node page
button (described in Using the Node page‚ on page 20).
Note The online help provides descriptions of each of the statistics in the Dashboard
Using the Node page
The Node page provides performance statistics for the currently selected node in
your cluster and the cluster as a whole. These statistics include document hit
rates, DNS lookups, and client and server transactions.
▼ Reaching the Node Page
1 Be sure you are in monitor mode. If not, click the MONITOR tab.
2 Click the Node page button.
Note Online help provides descriptions for each of the statistics on the Node page.