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Problem Possible Cause Solution
Responder’s Load doesn’t
appear to turn on right
The Ramp Rate may be set too slow. Re-link to responder with fast Ramp Rate
Remove all unused Responders from the
RemoteLinc 2. HINT: If you are using home
automation software, you can easily check scene
membership and eliminate unnecessary Links
Responder(s) is taking a
long time to respond to a
RemoteLinc 2
RemoteLinc 2 may be sending
commands to a responder(s) that is no
longer in use
If the above doesn’t work, try the solutions for
“RemoteLinc 2 will not turn a Responder On”
RemoteLinc 2 blinks red
after I turn a scene On or
One or more scene members not
One or more scene members not
responding AND HouseLinc (or other
software) is attempting to communicate
to RemoteLinc 2
Monitor for recurrence and if recurs:
a) Remove all scene responders that are no
longer in use, or
b) Add INSTEON devices for better signaling
Power cycle: Turn unit Off (slide switch to left), wait
10 seconds and turn back on
RemoteLinc 2 is locked up Glitch
Perform a factory reset on RemoteLinc 2
If you have tried these solutions, reviewed this Owner’s Manual, and still cannot resolve an issue you are having, please
call: 800-762-7845